Newsletter – Summer ’21

Dear Resident,

I am happy to announce that the summer is finally here. We were able to secure a contract with Aquatic Recreational Management Company to operate the entire pool complex. At this point the lifeguards will undergo their CPR certifications on the weekend of June 19th and we are planning to open the pool for Saturday and Sunday the 26th and 27th of June 10:30AM to 7:30PM. We will be open full time seven days a week from 10:30AM to 7:30PM beginning July 1st through Labor Day September 6, 2021. We will also try to keep the pool open for one or two weekends after Labor Day depending on personnel availability. The policy of verifying each resident through a driver’s license or any other form of ID will continue. Please make sure that when you do come to the pool you have these ID’s with you. Residents without proper ID will not be admitted.

Covid 19 is still lingering and we need to continue exercising caution, so if a resident feels sick, please refrain from coming to the pool until tested. We will continue the same guest policy that we had last year. Only immediate family members of a resident ie: child of resident with spouse will be able to purchase a seasonal pass for $250.00. Child of resident with spouse and children will be able to purchase a seasonal pass for $350.00. At this point daily guests will not be allowed. Arrangements should be made with the Village clerk not at the pool desk please. The village clerk is available Monday through Thursday, please contact her at (516) 482-9400.

We are in the process of beautifying the Village, planting perennials and caring for the various Village islands and entrances. We are also in the process of getting proposals for installation of the irrigation system in the baseball field and planting shrubs/trees in the perimeter of the field. Please urge your family and any guests you bring to the park to dispose of garbage and bottles in appropriate receptacles that are placed throughout the park. We all need to work together to keep our community clean.

We have also completed the installation of surveillance cameras throughout the village and license plate reader cameras at the entrances of the village during 2020. This system aided us numerous times since,  in deterring and capturing criminals who attempted car burglaries. We are also in the process of installing taller light posts in critical areas to enhance public safety.

I wish you all healthy and joyful summer season.

Dan Levy, MD
