If you have a concern in your neighborhood or property with which the Village of Saddle Rock may be able to help, you may use this form to report non-emergency problems. If you have an emergency, such as a power outage, please refer to the emergency numbers below:
[one_half first]
[iconbox title=”Police” icon=”Phone.png”]911[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Ambulance (Vigilant Fire Company)” icon=”Phone.png”]1-516-482-5000[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Fire (Alert Fire Company)” icon=”Phone.png”]1-516-487-7000[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)” icon=”Phone.png”]1-800-490-0075[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Water Authority” icon=”Phone.png”]1-516-482-0210 (Emergency Only)
1-516-487-7973 (Non-Emergency)[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Gas” icon=”Phone.png”]1-800-490-0045[/iconbox]
[iconbox title=”Sewer” icon=”Phone.png”]1-516-482-0238[/iconbox]